15 Weird Pregnancy Cravings Expecting Parents Should Prepare For

15 Weird Pregnancy Cravings Expecting Parents Should Prepare For

acozyfuture.com – Pregnancy is a time of joy, but it can also bring some surprises—like bizarre food cravings that leave you scratching your head. These strange cravings can be confusing and even a bit overwhelming, making it hard to know what's normal and what’s not. 

But don’t worry, you’re not alone! In this blog, we’ll explore 15 weird pregnancy cravings and offer tips on how to handle them with ease.

Top 15 Weird Pregnancy Cravings Expecting Parents Should Know About

Here’s our list of 15 weird pregnancy cravings that soon-to-be new parents should anticipate, along with explanations for why they happen and tips on how to handle them:

Weird Pregnancy Craving 1: Ice

Weird Pregnancy Craving: Ice

Why do pregnant women crave ice?

Craving ice, or pagophagia, is a form of pica and can often be linked to iron deficiency anemia, which is common during pregnancy. Chewing ice may provide temporary relief from fatigue or mouth discomfort associated with this condition.

If you find yourself frequently craving ice, consult your doctor to check for anemia. Increasing your intake of iron-rich foods such as spinach, red meat, and fortified cereals, or taking an iron supplement, might help curb this craving.

Weird Pregnancy Craving 2: Burnt Toast

Weird Pregnancy Craving: Burnt Toast

Why do pregnant women crave burnt toast?

The craving for burnt toast might arise because the charred taste can help settle an upset stomach or combat nausea. Some pregnant women find that the bland, dry texture of burnt toast is easier to digest.

While lightly toasted bread can be a safe option to ease nausea, it's best to avoid consuming heavily burnt food due to the potential health risks associated with acrylamide, a chemical formed when foods are burnt. Instead, opt for slightly toasted bread or other bland foods that are easier on the stomach.


Weird Pregnancy Craving 3: Chalk

Weird Pregnancy Craving: Chalk

Why do pregnant women crave chalk?

Cravings for non-food items, such as chalk, are known as pica and may signal a deficiency in essential minerals (e.g., calcium or zinc). The body might be trying to compensate for this deficiency by creating an urge to consume substances that are not typically part of a diet.

It's crucial not to consume non-food items, as they can be harmful. Seek medical advice to identify and address any underlying nutritional deficiencies. Plus, focusing on a balanced diet rich in calcium and zinc can help reduce these cravings.

Weird Pregnancy Craving 4: Spicy Foods

Weird Pregnancy Craving: Spicy Foods

Why do pregnant women crave spicy foods?

Pregnancy hormones can affect your sense of taste, sometimes making you crave bold, spicy flavors. Spicy foods might also help with digestion or provide relief from congestion, which is a common issue during pregnancy.

Satisfy your spicy cravings with mild to medium spice levels to avoid potential discomfort, such as heartburn or digestive issues. Pair spicy foods with cooling ingredients like yogurt or cucumber to balance the heat.

Weird Pregnancy Craving 5: Potato Chips with Ice Cream

Weird Pregnancy Craving: Potato Chips with Ice Cream

Why do pregnant women crave potato chips with ice cream?

The combination of salty and sweet flavors, like potato chips with ice cream, could be due to fluctuating blood sugar levels or simply a desire for comfort food that satisfies multiple cravings at once.

While this combination is generally safe to indulge in occasionally, you might want to try healthier alternatives like yogurt with granola or fruit with a sprinkle of sea salt. This way, you can satisfy your craving while also providing your body with more nutrients.

Weird Pregnancy Craving 6: Peanut Butter on Pickles

Weird Pregnancy Craving: Peanut Butter on Pickles

Why do pregnant women crave peanut butter on pickles?

This odd pairing might result from a need for protein (found in peanut butter) and salt (from pickles). The combination of savory and tangy could also be a response to your altered taste preferences during pregnancy.

While this craving is safe to satisfy, consider balancing it with whole-grain bread or crackers for a more nutritious snack. This way, you can enjoy the flavors while adding fiber and other essential nutrients to your diet.

Weird Pregnancy Craving 7: Ice Cream with Fries

Weird Pregnancy Craving: Ice Cream with Fries

Why do pregnant women crave ice cream with fries?

The sweet and salty combination of ice cream with fries can be particularly appealing to pregnant women whose taste buds are heightened and more sensitive to flavor contrasts. This craving might also be a way to satisfy fluctuating blood sugar levels.

It’s okay to indulge in this craving occasionally, but try to keep portion sizes small to avoid excessive calorie intake. For a healthier twist, you can opt for baked sweet potato fries with a smaller portion of ice cream.

Weird Pregnancy Craving 8: Cigarette Ashes

Weird Pregnancy Craving: Cigarette Ashes

Why do pregnant women crave cigarette ashes?

Craving cigarette ashes is another form of pica and is particularly concerning due to the toxic substances present in ashes. This craving likely signals a serious nutritional deficiency.

It’s critical to avoid ingesting any form of non-food substances like ashes. If you experience this craving, seek immediate medical attention to address any underlying deficiencies and receive appropriate treatment.

Weird Pregnancy Craving 9: Raw Onions

Weird Pregnancy Craving: Raw Onions

Why do pregnant women crave raw onions?

The strong flavor of raw onions might appeal to those experiencing heightened taste sensitivity during pregnancy. Onions can also help alleviate nausea and add a fresh, sharp taste to meals.

Incorporate raw onions into your diet in a balanced way by adding them to salads, sandwiches, or salsas. However, if you experience digestive discomfort after consuming raw onions, consider cooking them lightly or opting for milder varieties.

Weird Pregnancy Craving 10: Vinegar

Weird Pregnancy Craving: Vinegar

Why do pregnant women crave vinegar?

Craving vinegar might be linked to its sour taste, which can help with nausea or be a response to your body’s desire for more acidity in the diet. The sharpness of vinegar can also be refreshing and invigorating during pregnancy.

You can satisfy this craving by incorporating vinegar into your diet through salad dressings, and pickles, or by using it as a flavoring for cooked vegetables. Just be cautious about overdoing it, as too much vinegar can lead to acid reflux.

Weird Pregnancy Craving 11: Sour Candies

Weird Pregnancy Craving: Sour Candies

Why do pregnant women crave sour candies?

Sour candies may help alleviate morning sickness or nausea, which is common in the first trimester of pregnancy. The intense, tangy flavor can be refreshing and might also help with the heightened sense of taste experienced during pregnancy.

While sour candies can be a quick fix for nausea, it's a good idea to choose natural sour foods like citrus fruits or sour yogurt for a healthier alternative. If you do indulge in candies, be mindful of your sugar intake.

Weird Pregnancy Craving 12: Coffee Grounds

Weird Pregnancy Craving: Coffee Grounds

Why do pregnant women crave coffee grounds?

Craving coffee grounds might be your body’s unusual way of signaling a need for energy or the aroma and texture could be appealing due to heightened senses during pregnancy. However, it's not safe to consume coffee grounds directly.

Instead of eating coffee grounds, focus on safe ways to boost your energy levels, such as consuming iron-rich foods or enjoying a cup of decaffeinated coffee. Consult your doctor about your caffeine intake during pregnancy to ensure it’s within safe limits.

Weird Pregnancy Craving 13: Toothpaste

Weird Pregnancy Craving: Toothpaste

Why do pregnant women crave toothpaste?

Craving toothpaste is another form of pica and could be related to a deficiency in minerals like calcium or other nutrients. It may also be due to an increased sensitivity to minty flavors or a desire for something refreshing.

It’s important not to consume toothpaste, as it contains ingredients that are not meant to be ingested. If you find yourself craving toothpaste, consult your healthcare provider to address any potential deficiencies and explore safe alternatives.

Weird Pregnancy Craving 14: Cheese and Jam

Weird Pregnancy Craving: Cheese and Jam

Why do pregnant women crave cheese and jam?

Craving the delightful combination of cheese and jam during pregnancy can be an intriguing culinary adventure. This unusual pairing satisfies both savory and sweet cravings, which may be heightened by hormonal changes. 

Consider enjoying cheese and jam on whole-grain crackers or toast. Whole grains add fiber to your diet, which is crucial for digestive health and can help prevent constipation, a common issue during pregnancy.

Weird Pregnancy Craving 15: Tomato Sauce

Weird Pregnancy Craving: Tomato Sauce

Why do pregnant women crave tomato sauce?

Craving tomato sauce can be attributed to the body's need for vitamins, particularly vitamin C, which is essential during pregnancy. Tomato sauce can also serve as a flavorful addition to various meals. 

To satisfy this craving, consider using fresh tomatoes or homemade sauces, which are often healthier and lower in preservatives than store-bought varieties. Pairing tomato sauce with whole-grain pasta or veggies can create a well-rounded meal.

And there you have it! That’s our list of 15 weird pregnancy cravings that every expecting parent should be aware of. 

These cravings can manifest in varying degrees of intensity and frequency, reflecting the unique physiological changes that occur during pregnancy. While many of these cravings are harmless and simply a quirky part of the journey, others may signal a potential need for dietary adjustments or warrant a discussion with your healthcare provider. 

Now, let's delve into the stage of pregnancy during which these unusual cravings typically emerge!

What Stage of Pregnancy Do You Get Weird Pregnancy Cravings?

What Stage of Pregnancy Do You Get Weird Pregnancy Cravings?

Weird pregnancy cravings can occur at various stages of pregnancy, but they are most commonly reported during the first and second trimesters. 

During the first trimester, many expectant parents experience significant hormonal changes that can alter taste preferences and trigger cravings for unusual food combinations. This period is often marked by heightened sensitivity to certain flavors, leading to a desire for both sweet and savory items that may not have been appealing before. 

Some women might find themselves craving specific textures or flavors that seem strange to them. This reflects their body’s attempts to cope with the changes occurring within.

As pregnancy progresses into the second trimester, cravings can become more pronounced and eclectic. The body is undergoing rapid growth and development, necessitating increased caloric and nutritional intake. 

Expecting parents might find themselves yearning for a mix of both familiar and unconventional foods, as their bodies signal specific nutrient needs. Many women report that cravings during this phase can often feel more intense and specific, reflecting their unique physiological and emotional experiences.

In the third trimester, weird pregnancy cravings may continue, but they can be influenced by other factors such as comfort and accessibility. As the pregnancy nears its conclusion, physical discomfort may limit food options, leading to cravings that provide immediate satisfaction or comfort. 

Overall, while weird pregnancy cravings can occur at any stage, they tend to peak during the first and second trimesters. Each pregnancy is unique, and the experience of cravings can vary widely from one individual to another.


Navigating the intriguing world of weird pregnancy cravings can be both surprising and delightful for expecting parents. These cravings often reflect the body’s changing nutritional needs and heightened sensitivities during pregnancy. 

Understanding that these cravings can vary in intensity and frequency helps parents-to-be embrace this unique experience while also recognizing the importance of maintaining a balanced diet. It’s essential to listen to your body and indulge in these cravings mindfully, ensuring they contribute positively to your overall well-being.

Always consult with your healthcare provider if you have concerns about your cravings or dietary choices during this transformative time. By staying informed and proactive, expecting parents can enjoy the journey ahead, embracing the unique flavors and experiences that come with pregnancy while ensuring the health of both themselves and their baby.

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